Ronald Reagan on the Detroit Bailout.

A voice haunts Washington from the grave:

I love the imagery. I’ve always said that in the Bush II Era that we have become the Soviet Union:

* Toppling regimes and installing puppets? Check
* Suspension of Due Process & Habeas Corpus? Check.
* Surveillance of our own citizens? Check.
* Restrictions on Travel? (almost!)
* Gulags in hostile environments? Check.
* Party control of the media? Check Fox News!
* Rigged Elections? Check!
* Government control of the means of production? Coming soon!

And of course the clearest sign of all:

* Sending steroid-pumped Professional Athletes to the Olympics? CHECK!

Good thing Ronnie’s Alzheimer’s kept him happily ignorant in his declining
years, but I’m sure he started spinning once in the ground.