Car Photo of the Day: Low & Slow

We’re snow-bound here in the Pacific Northwest at the moment, so I’m feeling lazy about monitoring guessing games. You can try naming this car, but its pretty easy. I just like the low-angle look of the photo.

5 thoughts on “Car Photo of the Day: Low & Slow”

  1. Ah, the parent-terrifying 1950 Nash. Parent-terrifying because the front seat will recline to meet the back seat, thereby making it into a mobile double bed on wheels…:)

  2. You who *crow* about 75 in December…can keep it! I’ll take the temps we had this AM (-28C) to your miserable humidity, ANY day!

    I’ll bitch about the cold here but, all in all, the *balance* of Colorado is what makes its a treasure!

    Now, come on down and see what a real Xmas looks like!

  3. I guess it’s a pretty good trade-off for us. Here in Florida, we get to drive 365 days a year, but the driving is on flat (for the most part) non-curving roads, while you get to enjoy topographically spectacular twisty bits for what, 3/4 of the year? You might come out slightly ahead:) I’ve never been to Colorado- I hear it’s quite spectacular. Cheers.

  4. Jcul, surprisingly enough, the days one *cannot* drive in Colorado is pretty small! I’d bet that, out of 365, we get at least 360 that are driveable! We also get around 300 days/year of clear, bright blue sky!

    Heck, Tweety was, for most intents and purposes, an everyday car for my ‘rents, up till 1983, when he went ‘offline.’ I *clearly* remember Mon-n-Dad arriving back home from a trip to Wyoming (his home state) in late december, with ‘snow wings’ formed down both sides of the car, from the 100-mile trip from Cheyeene to Denver. With decent tyres (and snow that’s not too deep) E’s are surprisingly capable in snow.

    Now, driving the ‘bumps’ fast? That gets more limited to between May and September: Ask Chuck about this: Driving along Colorado’s mountain highways in august/September is about as close (literally) as one can get to driving heaven!

    All venues have their up and downs, but Colorado’s, IMHO, are mainly up. Come on up, and we’ll go for a blast up one of the good passes….I like McClure Pass really well!

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