
-4°F/-20°C in Arlington, WA right now. Likely colder here at Chez Goolsbee. Easily the coldest weather we’ve ever seen in the decade we’ve lived here.

I’m running a timelapse out the kitchen window. Captured the sunrise, and should get weird when the wind arrives later today!

Meanwhile I’m digging out and stacking firewood in preparation for the inevitable power outage we’ll experience once the wind picks up.

Here is a photo I took of the boys on Thursday before we left for the airport. They called last night and are having fun… skiing with their grandparents.

12 thoughts on “-4°F/-20°C”

  1. my god I can’t imagine it Chuck!

    hope all the pipes cope and you get through it all without too much drama

    you need a real maritime climate!


  2. Well, gondwana, I’ll respectfully reject your spit..Global warming (GW) is here and INCONTROVERTIBLE: Anthropogenic GW (AGW) is definitly an additive element in the picture; studying it is partly what I do for a living, and in that effort, I work with some of the world’s best scientific minds regarding the subject.

    Deny GW at your own peril, for you might as well call the Earth flat, and gravity a hoax! AGW isn’t the main reason for GW (and not one decent, peer-reviewed scientist claims such) but it is clearly a part of the deal.


  3. BTW, chuck may be correct: As long ago as 1985, James Hansen said that part of global warming would be that certain areas would experience an INCREASE in snow and worse winters as a result of the warming. NO ONE ever said the entire planet was going to get uniformly warmer, and those who point out increased snows in a given area as clear evidence that GW/AGW is incorrect are…ah, what’re the words?

    Ah yes..scientifically lightweight!

    That being said, Chuck it’s ASTONISHING to me, a far-away observer of your family, to see Nick approaching Chris’ height! And, as usual, Nick’s got his usual goofy grin on, while Chris..well, he’s Chris!


  4. Nick will be taller than Chris at some point. He has always been taller than Chris at the same point in age, he is just 4 years younger. Perhaps Nick will become THE TALLEST GOOLSBEE EVER! 😉

    As for Global Warming, I’ll let you two Geologists argue amongst yourselves.. I don’t really care about causes or effects of climate change.


  5. Well, for a biodiesel baby, ya sure seem like you do! I know yer cheap but at least, if indeed you don’t care, you’re doing yer part! Given you’ve got kids, I find it hard to believe you ‘don’t care,’ though.

    No arguments here, per se: I follow the science where it takes me. If it turns out that AGW is a true hoax, I’ll be right up there with the yay-hoos shouting it!

  6. I do the home-brew because I’m cheap, period.

    As for the planet, sure.. I care about it. What I don’t care for are the religious arguments as to the origin of this or that, even more so, the outcome of this or that.

  7. Um…was I having a ‘religious’ discussion?? I’m now officially lost!

    I steer WAY away from the religious stuff.. I follow science, not religion…you know that!

  8. never said anything about denying global warming vrooomie – just the amount of effort blaming mankind when will still don’t know everything about atmosphere… I too work with climate scientists … and they don’t all agree…


  9. Global Warming as a trend may be incontrovertible, but what isn’t is the cause of the trend. Is it a natural cycle which history has shown to have happened many times in the past, or a man-made impending cataclysm? I don’t know the answer, but I do know that the phenomenon seems to have become a convenient political tool for the reduction/elimination of many personal freedoms in this and other countries.

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