“All Of Your XKE Air Cleaner Cannisters Are Belong To 4321Geo”
I’ve been looking for this particular part. It is the last hurdle between me and a stock S1 air cleaner setup for the E-type. I have an eBay search that finds them. I have a BUNCH of people that email me whenever one comes up on eBay.
But EVERY time one comes up, I get out-bid by the 4321Geo person. They have bought literally EVERY one that has come up on eBay in the past several months… except this one for obvious reasons.
Why? Why must you dash my hopes over and over?
This one is probably the grottiest one in a while, but it was hanging in the sub-$30 range up until tonight. Given the latest jump, it should finish above what should be reasonable for such a trashed part. Oh well… I’ll just have to keep looking.
Hmmm. It would seem to me to be a classical case of the market determining its own level, or some such claptrap. I have a similar attitude to a lot of British classic cars (“there is no way a mini is worth $10,000, that’s idiotic” — meanwhile car after car sells for that price or more).
I’m sure that person is a used part dealer who must be able to get more than that for them. Or perhaps a restorer who can charge their customers more than that for one.
I haven’t looked, but does no one make a repro? And if they do, how much are they?
There really isn’t much to them. I metal worker could probably make you one for 4 hours work. Heck, if they’re so popular, let’s make 10 or 20 and sell them on eBay to geo.
what about other places to look Chuck? – different country eBay? or even TradeMe in NZ… must be the odd E-type around here
Well, somebody beat him… they just had to pay about 3x what the thing is worth to get there. :\