“Mr. President, I think you may be missing the point…”

My son, who is angling for permission to purchase this particular game, showed me this link. It is.. Hilarious.

The voice actors do an awesome job of recreating the cadence, inflections, demeanor, and mispronunciations (not to mention the malapropisms!) of their subjects. I love how the “Bush” character goes so well from the “scripted” to the “unscripted” Bush. I love how the Tony Blair one politely, and indirectly (but with that wonderful restrained English disdain) corrects Bush’s abuse of the native tongue.

It is dead-on accurate. Well done.

Having played host to “viral marketing” websites prior to the whole youtube/googlevideo phenomena, I’m a bit familiar with the genre. Unfortunately these things so often fly under the radar of mainstream media. Too bad that the publisher can’t afford airtime on a major network because I’d love to witness the furor that this would generate if aired during “Idol” or even better Fox News.

But then I’ve always been one of those smirking $#!+ stirrers. 😉


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