And now a REAL Jaguar

Stumbled upon this image from National Geographic via the tubes today. Stunning photo of the animal that gave its name to a stunning car.

4 thoughts on “And now a REAL Jaguar”

  1. makes me wonder how the word is generally pronounced there Chuck…. JagUar…. or Jagwar, as a certain Mac CEO used to say I seem to remember


  2. I always get a laugh out of the ‘proper’ way to pronounce Jagwar, as if the issue rests solely in the hands of the Brits! Wellll…not so much.

    It’s a New World name, not Old World, from a language that is far distant from our English, in which began as ‘jagurundi,’ and as close as I can come to the original -ORIGINAL- Incan pronunciation, is ‘yag-are-ROON-dee.”

    FWIW, I’m a heathen; I say “JAG-warrr.” Or, ‘That effin’ piece of British garbage.” Depends on what I’m doing to/with it!


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