Car Photo of the Day: More Alfa noses

The unmistakable, yet properly bug-splattered and UNpristine grille if an Alfa Romeo. Another shot from the Monte Shelton rally last year, which by the way is put on by the Alfa Romeo of Oregon (AROO) club. I don’t drive an Alfa, I just lust after them. Old AND new!

Sorry for the lack of posting lately… been a busy week. I have a great little tale of father/son bonding to tell from last weekend… even though said father & son were 100+ miles apart at the time. I’ll write it up asap… promise.

3 thoughts on “Car Photo of the Day: More Alfa noses”

  1. As I continue in my LBC search I am running across lots of Alfa Spiders. Mostly newer vintages, in apparently decent shape, for bargain prices. Maybe I need to change my thinking about them….

  2. Mark, not sure f you’ve had the pleasure of owning/driving a Alfa spyder but, having driven lots (and wanting to own) they are pleasurable cars. In fact, it’s really the only Italian car I’d be happy to own.

    They aren’t fast, not do they handle the best; in both regards, they’re adequate. What they are in SPADES is classy, solid, reliable, and the top WORKS!

    Older SPICA-injected ones (pre-’77, IIRC)run the best but the SPICA is usually bereft of maintenance and needs replacing; there’s a guy who’ll set one up and rebuild it for reasonble costs. Overall, they’re easy to work on and parts are still (I think) easy to get.

    I give them 3.9 out of 5 stars!

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