Car Photo of the Day: Another Covered Headlight

Compare to the Alfa from the other day. Not nearly as elegant, but doesn’t look too out of place on the car when viewed as a whole. For those that don’t (gasp!) recognize this, it is the passenger side headlamp of a Series 1 E-type Jaguar.

4 thoughts on “Car Photo of the Day: Another Covered Headlight”

  1. Fairly sure the surround is a knock-off: Though not elegant nore particualrly good-looking, I *never* saw the misalignment of screws on a factory surround, like one sees on the upper left side where the screw head sticks out OVER the edge.

  2. A heads up: Tonight on Discovery Theater HD is a show called “Classic Car Club”. It comes on at 9:30 EST and repeats a couple of times tonight as well. The show blurb says they will be discussing a Jaguar restoration, and the ad for the show showed an E type being driven. Might be interesting for you guys.

  3. The E Type in the show I mentioned in post #2 was built “from new” with mostly NOS parts. Pretty interesting show- catch it if you you can.

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