Car Photo of the Day: XK 140

Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday… I was asleep pretty much all day long. I was at work Tuesday and at the end of the day an illness hit me like a ton of bricks. High fever alternating with chills. All I could do was just lay down and shiver for about 3 hours. I eventually got up and drove myself home, arriving about 10pm. I crashed into bed and stayed there all night and all the next day… and all the next night. Appears to be the flu. I’m still not feeling very well, but really can’t sleep much more. At least now I can post a few pics!

Here is a nice shot of Jim Sitton’s Jaguar XK 140 ascending the Beartooth Highway leaving Red Lodge, Montana.

One thought on “Car Photo of the Day: XK 140”

  1. I took a sickie today, too from work. I’m not as debilitated as you, but I feel like the north end of a southbound heifer…:(

    Chicken soup, CG, chicken soup!

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