A hot night in Budapest…

I’ve always loved this song, as it is so evocative lyrically. A few moments in time and something pleasing to the eye stretched into a 10 minute masterpiece that lives on and on.

…and her legs went on forever, like staring up at infinity…

I know I have this album on vinyl, at least I did when it first came out. Now I can’t find it. Oh well, nice to stumble upon this cut on YouTube though.

3 thoughts on “A hot night in Budapest…”

  1. Good find, Chuck. I always loved this song too although I have to be careful what I say here as my Ex is Hungarian…!!!

    As it happens, Budapest had its own answer to Jethro Tull, a terrific band by the name of “Mini” (there’s some irony in there somewhere). The flute player, a Mr Adam Torok, is every bit as good as Ian Anderson although seems to have gained weight and lost hair since I saw him in 1979. The band still sounds good, though:


    P.S. The Crest of a Knave album was one of the first I bought as a CD so I can’t offer to give away old vinyl.

  2. I have my older brother to thank for introducing me to Jethro Tull as a teenager… some good music… and has found its way to the iPod…


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