Nyquist Capital: Chinese Irrational Exuberance

Nyquist Capital
t’s a good (but paradoxical) thing when Communists start buying stock.

This is one of the blogs I read (via RSS) on a regular basis. Nyquist capital’s blog follows some industries I am involved with (namely Colocation facilities) and it was their insightful takes on a some industry news last year that caught my eye. Their occasional succinct but useful commentaries like this one keep me coming back.

2 thoughts on “Nyquist Capital: Chinese Irrational Exuberance”

  1. Does you follow events and development in the country? Or are you just amused by the concept of communists buying into capitalism?

  2. I’m mostly amused at the thought of the Chinese allowing themselves to become Communists! The Scots may have defined what we call “Capitalism” but the Chinese were really the inventors of the practice. There was a healthy merchant and trading class in China when my ancestors in Scotland were mere hunter-gatherers in skirts.


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