Finally caught it… 787 on a test flight.

As my office is near Boeing Field I’ve been privileged to enjoy a “front row seat” for Boeing’s new Dreamliner flight tests. They have two of them flying now, one in Boeing colors, the other in ANA livery. I’ve seen them take off and land several times but never had my camera handy to share with you. The most dramatic was seeing BOE2 (the ANA plane) on late approach as I was in my car at the north end of the field running out to lunch one day.

I’ve kept my telephoto mounted and by my office window and finally looked over to see BOE1 rising from the runway this morning. I squeezed off three shots before it went beyond my window frame. It is a very quiet plane. A DC-8 cargo craft left soon after and the differential in noise was astounding. The 787 whispered by, barely audible from inside my office. The old Douglas roared.

2 thoughts on “Finally caught it… 787 on a test flight.”

  1. used to have DC8’s coming into Wgtn when I worked in the airport met office there in the mid 80’s – they didn’t like cross winds and always wanted to know the wind on approach – can remember one aborted go around when they decided at the last minute the Wgtn winds were too much…. lots of noise and big grey shape in the clouds as it put on power 🙂


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