Museum theme continues…

Even though it is a bit blurry, some folks will instantly recognize this shape, whereas others will be baffled. Which camp are you in?

It is an object that radically changed the automotive world – for several reasons. A radically innovative bit of engineering in a radically modern car for its era.

It is also an object that is still sought after, almost 50 years after its invention, by independent car builders (namely hot rodders, custom car makers, etc) for its wonderful self-contained nature, combined with outstanding performance.

Truly deserving of a spot in a museum.

Self-parking Lexus befuddles Automobile editors

VIDEO: Self-parking Lexus befuddles Automobile editors

I hate the introduction of useless technology to the world of automobiles. Satellite navigation, onboard DVD players, rear-view remote cameras, car phones, etc. All they do is distract drivers, cause accidents, complicate troubleshooting, and worst of all ADD WEIGHT. Cars already weigh too much as it is. They are, on average, way too inefficient and that is largely due to weight.

Adding completely useless gee-gaws, like a “self parking system” is an idiotic waste of everyone’s time. If you can’t park the car, your should not be DRIVING the car.

Ugh… it gets worse, every day.