A different view of an iconic (to the point of being overdone IMO) machine.
Category: Cars
I am a “car guy”… I love old cars.
Another classic car review in-process…
I’m writing another one of my reviews of a vintage car for TTAC. This time the 450sl. It’s been cooking for the past couple of weeks, with lots and lots of edits and do-overs. I usually write pretty effortlessly, but this one has been frustrating for some odd unknown reason.
I’d love some feedback, if you have any… so go have a read here and add your comments.
Car Photo of the Day: Last minute rag work.
Mitch Katz puts a bit of polish on his Alfa Romeo before a big group photo taken on the 2006 Going To The Sun Rally.
My car was in the photo too… but I didn’t bother to clean off the bugs. 😉
Images from the Monte Shelton NW Classic Rally
John “Mad Dog” Morrow alerted me to this video produced by the rally organizers. The 65E replete with “Confusion Tape” plays a starring role! Enjpy.
Car Photo of the Day: Yet Another Bonnet Shot
This photo graces the “October” page of this year’s XKEdata.com Calendar. I’ve been looking at it all month long and I figured it would be a great way to close out the month here as the Car Photo of the Day. Enjoy!
Cringe worthy word abuse
I’m not a grammar nazi. I don’t correct people in mid-sentence. I don’t flame people online who make language missteps. I can’t even profess to being mostly correct in my writing as lord knows I abuse it constantly with ellipses and parenthetical statements (as I’ll soon demonstrate … d’oh!) I’m sure all my English teachers would tell you I was nowhere near the top of their class when it came to grammar. Sometimes though I see things that make me cringe.
I have pre-built RSS searches that scour Craigslist’s “Free Stuff” section for things I use to make BioDiesel. One of those searches is the word “barrel”. When I was setting up my system I needed barrels and why pay for one when somebody is always giving it away somewhere? I no longer need barrels (in fact I should give a few away!) but occasionally people give away a barrel full of stuff (waste oil, veggie oil, methanol, Diesel, etc) that I can use, so I leave the search there in my preferred RSS reader, Safari.
I swear, at least once or twice a month, this one comes up…
It is not always this person Samantha giving it away. I’m sure she is not an idiot, and in fact could very well be a very nice person. Most people I’ve met named Samantha have been nice. I even dated a wonderful woman named Samantha when I was in college. But … THE WORD IS WHEELBARROW DAMMIT! Wheelbarrow. Look it up!
ah… there … I feel so much better now.
Gone… (sniff)
A sad day here in Goolsbee-land. I spoke with my father a bit ago on the phone and he informed me that the red 300sl that he and mom bought nine years ago has sold. That car will be missed. I only was able to drive it a few times but each moment at that wheel was magical. In many ways the 300sl was the very first “supercar” and to have any miles in one is a privilege. In that respect I am a very lucky man.