60 Minutes on THE Lamborghini

For those of us who spent the 70s as boys, with posters of Farah Fawcett on our walls, only one object of lust turned our heads faster than a Charlie’s Angel and that was a Lamborghini Countach. For a certain generation there are no other Lambos really. As a more mature gentleman in my middle age I now have a far greater appreciation of other products from Ferruccio’s tractor factory, but we all must give the Countach its due respect. In this mid-80s era video the ironically named Morely Safer provides tribute to the ferocious bull in that unique 60 Minutes style. David E. Davis provides his insight as well.

I stumbled upon this video while perusing the blog “coldtrackdays” after I saw them send a link over here for a recent CPotD. Go have a look, they have some good stuff over there.

9 thoughts on “60 Minutes on THE Lamborghini”

  1. That was fantastic. I remember being six years old and lusting after it. A couple of years later, we bought Test Drive II: The Duel for the PC just to ‘drive’ it.

  2. I can’t view this at work: However, I vividly remember the bit about ‘head-up, butt-out’ for backing one up (an experience I had the “pleasure” of doing myself) and the comment that you’d have a Rolls-Royce follow along for the luggage, for the passenger seat was meant for ‘ze beyootieeful woooman!’


  3. The Countach is still a striking design today. Yes, the 50th Anniversary Edition was overwrought, but the original design was truly groundbreaking and I think quite beautiful.

    I still don’t understand Ferruccio Lamborghini’s dislike for racing. I think the brand would be even more legendary if they had proven their engineering prowess on the track. I’m sure everyone here knows the story of how Lamborghini started, but here’s a brief synopsis of how I heard the story anyway:

    Ferruccio met Enzo Ferrari at the Ferrari factory to complain about his Ferrari 250’s clutch actuation. Enzo responded that Ferrucio should stick to tractors and let him design the cars. Ferrucio was enraged and decided to one-up Ferrari at his own game- thus Lamborghini Automobili Spa and the 350 GT was born.

    If you can’t tell, it’s Friday and I’m bored:)

  4. At the risk of sounding like a grouch, I have to agree with Enzo: Ferruccio Lamborghini should have stuck to designing tractors, at least when it came to the Countach (the Miura is a different story). I can’t think of a more pointless car. Not much good for anything but boulevard posing -can’t reverse it, no room for a toothbrush, too big, heavy and expensive for racing and it’s horribly ugly. And it’s ultimate condemnation is that Jeremy Clarkson has one…!

  5. MD, we are in *perfect* agreement, here!
    I couldn’t have said it better!

    “At the risk of sounding like a grouch, I have to agree with Enzo: Ferruccio Lamborghini should have stuck to designing tractors, at least when it came to the Countach (the Miura is a different story). I can’t think of a more pointless car. Not much good for anything but boulevard posing -can’t reverse it, no room for a toothbrush, too big, heavy and expensive for racing and it’s horribly ugly. And it’s ultimate condemnation is that Jeremy Clarkson has one…!”

  6. Vroomie: We need to get together for a drink or two. Are you planning a trip to Seattle in the forseeable future. Chuck and I know so very decent wateringholes up here…

  7. Well, Messr. Chien, I’ve no immediate plans to do so; I’m still in recovery mode from an *ooogly* divorce, plus I’m tossin’ every last extra penny (after debt service, natch) I can to getting my XKE back on the road. I’d really like to take one trip a summer, to visit folks and places I’ve never been before.

    Suffice it to say, I look forward to meeting you and Chuckie at The Stumbling Monk, someday, so that we all may quaff a stein of our favorite frosty beverage, and shoot the chit about cars!
    I hope they have a good wheat beer…:)

    By the way, all my friends call me Wiggy!

  8. Wiggy: Sorry to hear about your dissolution (as lawyers like to call it -it seems so apt in many ways). We can compare notes on this too but I’m delighted you managed to hang onto your E type at least. I’m confident we’ll have that drink in the not too distant future. Seattle or elsewhere…

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