A look back in time, 104 years.

This is a movie, taken in 1905, and I found it via a mention on the Jag-Lovers.org E-type mailing list. I’m not a huge follower of brass-era cars, but this movie is fascinating in so many ways. First of all, it is a moving record of pre-1906 Earthquake/Fire that destroyed much of San Francisco. Second it shows that boys will be boys, no matter what the era! Additionally it allows us a glimpse back 100+ years to see that:

  • Most cars, and the horse-drawn vehicles, are Right Hand Drive, despite the drive-on-right convention
  • The variety of vehicles, and motive power is amazing! Horse-drawn carts, wagons, buggies, trolleys, etc. Cable cars. Steam, electric, and petroleum powered cars.
  • There seems to be no effort at traffic control. Given that just about everything is moving at a walking pace though, I can see the reasons why. Other than mass, all objects are equal.
  • As a result of the above, this could be Dehli, or Sao Paulo today!
  • Market Street hasn’t changed that much. 😉

Found via Archive.org.