Car Photo of the Day: Reflecting light – Still Life with Alfa Romeos.

Natural light is literally the radiation of a star. It is cool to think about that (it is also cool to think about how long it takes for starlight to reach us, and that things we see in the night sky may no longer exist, but I digress.) Except for stars and artificial light sources, everything we see is merely a reflection. The light of our sun or our earthly and artificial lights bouncing off of objects. It is fun to play with that concept and shoot reflections of these reflections… and present these reflections. Maybe I’ll make a theme of it!

In making this photo I traded image quality on the E-type to focus and expose the reflected street scene of parked Alfas at the start of the Monte Shelton Northwest Classic. I could probably retouch away some of the blemish of the “foreground” to make a nicer image, but overall I like the shot.