Packing for another Road Trip & Rally!

Playing Tetris with a FedEx envelope playing field.

Christopher & I will be leaving Wednesday morning for Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, caravanning with my folks in their 1979 MB 450sl. We’ll be joining the “Northwest Passage Rally” along with 40-some other vintage sports cars for a TSD rally around the Northern Rockies. For the first time three generations of Goolsbee’s will be rallying at once! Should be a blast, so stay tuned for updates from the road.

6 thoughts on “Packing for another Road Trip & Rally!”

  1. I bet you’ll have a great time. I look forward to the updates. BTW, have you heard of Qik? It lets you stream video right from your smartphone. Might be fun to try out on the rally.

  2. Chuck sez, “…I’d prefer to avoid international data roaming charges!”

    Skype? I’m loving it and Magicjack!

  3. I can now never see the boot of an OTS and *not* think of your description of it as a FedEx envelope…;)

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