More Ray-isms

Ray L expounds

I spend just about every evening, and frequently start my day reading the E-type list from Jag-Lovers. I can honestly say that without that lovable group of nutbars I would never be able to care for, and drive my dad’s old Jaguar: The 65E.

It is truly a global resource, and has introduced me to a long list of wonderful people all over the world. The UK, Australia, Canada, Norway, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, to name a few… and of course all over the USA. Many of the frequent commentators on this very website came to know me via this fantastic group.

One person who has been enormously helpful to me over the years is a guy named Ray. Ray lives in the Bay Area of California and drives a white, 3.8L, Series 1 OTS. Ray is an exceedingly knowledgeable guy, having forgotten more than I’ll ever know about cars. He is an Engineer by trade and speaks in that way that engineers so often do when conversing about things they know very well. Having spent my life around, and directly supervised all levels of very smart and talented systems admins, software developers, and network managers, I am used to this very frank, matter-of-fact communications style. I know it drives some people nuts, but I actually enjoy it, since these sorts of folks are usually right when speaking within the realm of their expertise. I have made something of a career out of being the Engineer-to-English/English-to-Engineer Translator (better than that guy though…. but trust me it is a vital part of business in these high-tech times!)

Anyway, for some reason I find Ray’s pronouncements of fact hilarious. Probably because I have met him, and he has been so helpful to me over the years. I can picture him speaking the words that he types – like an anti-BS ray (pardon the pun) cutting through the fog of misinformation and old wives’ tales. I once satirized Ray with this Matt Groening/Futurama image combined with Ray’s own words, lifted right from his posts to the E-type group. Every few months I just swap out the words and it stays fresh. I have no idea if this bothers or delights Ray to be honest… but for some reason I think it is funny as hell.

Some of the words above were spoken to me! 😉

We’ve been here before… a couple of years ago.