See these two guys and their Mini? I’m going to be their Service Crew Manager for the 2011 Monte Carlo Historic Rally. Yes that rally, put on by the same people who host the F1 and WRC events in Monaco, L’Automobile Club de Monaco. These two Mad Englishmen, John Morrow and Bill Richards have asked me to join their team and help them win their class at the 2011 event.

My duties will be wrangling the service team, and making sure we’re in the right places, at the right times, with tires, tools and fuel (for both the Mini and the guys in the Mini!), and documenting the whole experience via photographs, video, and the written word.
John sent me an invitation a couple of weeks ago, and we have been engaged in an email Q&A session for a while to determine if I am the right guy for the position. We met for a few beers last night at a spot in Snohomish, halfway between his home in Bellevue, and mine in Arlington, and I agreed to join this band of lunatics. Wish us well.
I started off the “documentation” part of my duties with a few photographs:

More news coming soon.