This is my son Nicholas, on his birthday or Christmas, probably about nine years ago. I know the car was a gift from his grandmother Bishop. It is post 1999, as I can tell it was taken in the kitchen of the home we moved into the Spring of that year, but pre 2003 which I can surmise from vague age and his teeth. I bet his mother can tell you exactly when it was shot as that is how mothers work: mentally cataloguing the mundane minutiae of their childs’ lives… but being a dad, I can only narrow it down to within a rough two- or three-year time-frame. I do know that this was taken prior to our father/son road trip in the summer of 2003, as his appearance over those four days are deeply imprinted on my mind. I can honestly say that those four days were among the happiest days of my life. I’d never felt as close to him as then, and have not since. We were alone, and together. We talked, and we didn’t. We genuinely enjoyed each others’ company and let our whims decide what we were going to do.
In about a week I’ll be doing the same, but this time with both boys. We’re taking a road trip. Actually two road trips. One with Chris, the other with Nick. I have so much work to get done before we can start “playing” with our big-boy toy, so excuse me if I’ve been remiss in posting as often as I usually do. The CPotD will likely cease once we’re under way, unless we see something cool that we’ll share. Instead I hope to post updates from the road. I’ll certainly track progress via twitter, as that is simple to do from my cell phone. My username on twitter is chuckgoolsbee (the name I use everywhere, even in real life!)
Can’t wait to be on the road again.