This photo was taken during the “KZOK Classic Car Calendar” photo shoot several years back. I picked it because it shows my exhaust pre-replacement.
Last weekend it rained here in the Pacific Northwest, which shouldn’t be shocking to those that know the geography, but this is our DRY season (July-September) when rain is rare. It hasn’t rained here since the 4th of July. I flipped my scissor lift around in the barn and was able to expose the back half of the car’s underside and start wrestling with the stainless steel. It took me a few hours, but I finally got the pipes reasonably straight. Tightened up all the bolts and I’m calling it good (enough).
Before and After pictures coming soon.
Speaking of pictures. I’m depositing a check from Porsche USA today… they paid me for a photo I took on the NE 1000 back in May. It will be published in their magazine ‘Christophorus’ or something like that. Ah yes… here it is. If any of you get it, please let me know when the issue shows up. Here is the photo so you can recognize it.
Speaking again of photos… I have a “secret stash” of photos that I’ve been using to populate the “Car Photo of the Day” theme… and it is running a tad dry, at least thematically. I thought about the “name that part” idea, but that is stupid as most are parts off my car. Eventually (or perhaps immediately) that would get dull. I do have a series of photos I have taken of old race cars at a few different high-end concours: Amelia, Kirkland, etc as well as a few museums, such as the Porsche from earlier this week shot at the Collier Museum. My problem is that I don’t know the ID of the car in most of them. It could not really be a Guessing Game if I don’t know the answer. 😉 I think I’ll start posting them with the goal of getting them identified… any objections?