The last photo I shot as I left the show last weekend. At the end of the day as cars were leaving I noted the reflection of the jaguar on an old Chevy pickup a ways down the block.
Category: Cars
I am a “car guy”… I love old cars.
Arlington Show & Shine, June 13th, 2009
I really don’t like car shows. I much prefer to drive my old car. There is nothing as dull as sitting around all day while a bunch of other people sit around all day. I love to look at old cars. But doing so within the context of a show is less than ideal. Don’t get me started on competitive car washing, aka “Concours”… The idea of making a car show into a competition to me is ludicrous.
I make an exception every year for at least one show however, and usually that is my home town “show & shine” which usually falls in early June. They do have a competitive aspect to it, but since my car falls into an oddball “catch-all” category, “Specialty Cars”, I stand no chance of winning anything. Specialty Cars covers everything from imports, military vehicles, tractors, race cars, and golf carts. Really anything that doesn’t fit within the usual domestic classes of *0’s Stock, *0’s Modified, *0’s Hot Rod, Muscle Cars, Rat Rods, etc. I’m not there to win, I’m there to share the car with people and take some photos.
I rolled into town early and found a spot in front of the hardware store. I chose the spot since it had a bench nearby, and since I’m not a car show “regular” I don’t have the usual folding seats and picnic table. I set up the car with it’s “OK to touch me” sign, a small card with instructions on how to open the bonnet, and an open suitcase on the luggage rack with the KZOK calendar the car was featured in a few years back, along with a few other photos of the car.
Then I walked around and shot photos:
Despite what I said about preferring stock examples of cars, I actually like these goofy sorts of presentations. If you’re going to modify, go all the way! This old Rambler was pretty ratty to start with, and then Rat Fink got ahold of it.
Two cars south of my car was a very nice 1960 Corvette. The paint on it is beautiful. This is the car that I posted a cropped photo of the other day as the “name the car” CPotD.
The C1 Vette is owned by a guy who it turns out is my neighbor, living about a mile to the NW of me. We enjoyed a long “car guy” chat while we both sat on the bench.
There were easily over 200 cars all up and down Olympic Avenue. I didn’t photograph much more than what you see above, since there is only so much static domestic steel I can take before my eyes glaze over. After I did a “lap” of the show to shoot what interested me I hung out around my car and talked to people a bit. I kept inviting people to sit in, touch, etc, the E-type, which I think freaked out the guy with the freshly restored Camaro parked between me and the Vette. He ended up leaving soon after. I did photograph one person sitting in my car. I think I made this boy’s day when I invited him in:
I actually left the Jag at the show around mid-day and caught a ride home with Sue. I had some household chores to catch up on as well as brew-up a batch of BioDiesel. John, one of the members of my BioDiesel Co-Op dropped by in th afternoon to bring some veggie oil and pick up some fuel. He gave me a ride back into town. I missed the “awards presentation” so I have no idea if I won anything. I doubt I did anyway. Wrong sort of crowd for a Jaguar.
Sneak Peak: Name that car.
Soon I’ll posting photos from my home-town “show & shine” from last weekend. Meanwhile here’s a car that was parked almost next to mine. I really liked its paint. can you guess what kind of car it is?
Car Photo of the Day: Heavy Heavy Fuel
This Touring body Ferrari 166 has appeared before here at a “name that car” so no use in doing it again. The fuel filler cap though rates a return visit, as it is monstrously HUGE and very cool looking. It so well represents that time when, as Jeremy Clarkson said, “They weren’t concerned about saving the planet so much as driving around it very fast.”
Weird Seen: Stock or Modified?
On the one had I admire those that modify their cars’ appearance in order to make it their own. On the other hand I feel that 97 times out of 100 they fail at making any improvement over how it came from the factory. That ninety-seven percent makes up about ninety percent of what usually what ends up here in the “Weird Seen” category here on
I spend an inordinate amount of my life slowly creeping in first gear with no throttle pressure up and down Interstate 5 in the Seattle area. One of the great benefits of driving a Diesel-powered car is the amazing torque available, even at idle. I like to plant myself in a lane behind a big truck, because they pretty much do the same thing: Put it into a granny gear and let the idling engine just slowly pull the rig along at a steady rate while the idiots burning gasoline lurch on and off their pedals. Me? I have both of my feet on the floor and rarely engage the clutch or throttle. (Yes, I know that technically the Diesel engine has no throttle, but I can’t bring myself to call it a “gas pedal” either!) The truck and I roll along, with its bulk running interference for me. Yes, idiot drivers will weave in front of him but truckers are smart enough to not get lulled into the trap of driving faster until the entire body of traffic is also going faster. That gap that opens in front of us does NOTHING to keep us from getting where we are going later than anyone else on the freeway… trust me, I se the same cars at the end of my journey as I see at the beginning. They key is once the stop-and-go is done, get out from behind the big rig and flow along with everyone else.
One benefit of this style of locomotion in heavy traffic is car spotting. I see interesting cars and photograph them. I keep a tiny little $80 Nikon Coolpix L11 digicam in the armrest cubby of my Jetta and can snap off a shot of an interesting car in two seconds or less. The cars I choose to shoot have to be unusual in some way, such as the 380sl seen above.
The Mercedes-Benz 380sl was sold from 1980 through 1985 here in the US. Based on the immensely popular R107 chassis which was a perennial best seller from the early 1970 until the last one rolled out of Stuttgart in 1989. When I was a kid it seemed every Doctor, Dentist, Lawyer, and Architect drove one. In a lot of ways this car lead to the downfall of General Motors because a decade before those very same guys were driving Cadillacs and Buicks. GM’s answer to the challenges brought forth by the 1970s and 80s were colossal blunders such as the Cimarron, Seville, and Reatta. Mercedes-Benz cars of that era however, such as the W107, or the W123 & W124 were the antithesis of what GM built: They were solid as Panzers, and so reliable that I’d say that most of them are still running today. How many early 80s Cadillacs do you see on your daily commute? The Mercedes styling of the era, while being Teutonically dull, has a certain timelessness to it so that even today they don’t look unusual on the road. The same could not be said of the Seville of the same era.
This 380sl was very clean, with excellent paint. The modifications by the owner were the rear spoiler and body kit you can see and a front spoiler you can’t, plus red painted interior wheel spokes and grille (sorry, no photo of the cars’ front) so it wasn’t over-the-top “blingy” but it certainly was not stock. Unlike a stock version it stood out and was very visible. If it were my car, I doubt I’d even think of doing this sort of thing. Though I will admit to painting the VW symbol on the front of my 1980 Rabbit body-color, as I felt the chrome was strange. And now that I mention that, I did replace the chrome VW symbols on our 1999 New Beetle to the European blue ones. Both of those mods were very subtle and likely would not have even been spotted by a casual observer. As a rule though I prefer cars to remain original, as the designer intended. The market seems to agree with that, as modified cars tend to lose value compared to stock. The ultimate of course is “original”. As a car ages the more original the better, since as time goes by ultimate originality becomes harder and harder to find.
In a way examples such as this make unmodified examples increase in value. But since nearly a quarter-million R107s were built this guy hasn’t made that much impact in the overall market.
Car Photo of the Day: SS100
Dr. Philippe Reyns’ pre-war “Jaguar” ((actually the marque was called “SS Cars” at the time, then something happened in mid-century that cast a pall over that name!) a 3 ½ litre SS100. A beautiful example of the model. I enjoyed a ride in this machine. Very nice car.
(it is even mentioned in the “Internet Movie Cars Database“)
Apologies for the lack of posts lately… been busy with other things sorry. I promise I’ll get back to my usual schedule soon.
Car Photo of the Day: No Comment
I’m recovering from a Le Mans induced sleep pattern alteration, so I’m a tad useless today. Hopefully I’ll get back in the swing of things soon. Meanwhile here is an unusual sign of the times, circa 2006.