As promised here’s a bonus CPotD to make up for my lack of car photos of late. The title pretty much sums this situation up well. It’s a big Healey in the little town of Wisdom, Montana, which is pretty much the only town in the Big Hole Valley.
Author: chuck goolsbee
Car Photo(s) of the Day: a P-car.
Apologies for the lst of CPotD postings of late. Life has me quite busy at the moment, but I’ll make it up to you by posting a handful of photos today for the gearheads to ponder, wonder, and puzzle over.
First is this amazing Porsche captured at the Northwest Historics a few years ago. I was reminded of it when I watched the old early 70s sci-fi flick THX 1138 the other night. It shows a bleak future in which, inexplicably we all drive Lola Can-Am sports racers! Anyway, I’m not at all an authority of Porker race cars, so maybe somebody can fill us in on what this car may be exactly? (908?)
Nick Goolsbee news
I mentioned in the last post about Chris being home for Spring Break that he & I attended the state finals for Hi-Q competition to watch Nick’s (and Chris’ former) team, Arlington High School compete. The finals were once again held at Stanwood, the defending champs from last year, with a loud, boisterous home-team crowd. The teams were Stanwood, Monroe, & Arlington.
Unfortunately Arlington fell behind early and was never able to catch up. 🙁
We had good seats and I was able to shoot some photos for you:
This past weekend when I wasn’t spending time with Chris in Olympia I was helping Nick in a project for his Spanish class. I don’t speak any Spanish beyond “Mas cervaças por favor.” so I have no idea of this is as funny as it looks, but it was fun to help Nick do the editing on our iMac at home.
Happy Birthday Chris! (Updated)
I’ll be offline most of today as Sue & I are heading down to Olympia to celebrate Christopher’s 20th birthday. I’ll bring along my camera, but here are a couple of shots I made of him when he was home recently on Spring Break. He came with me to watch his brother Nicholas compete in the state Hi-Q finals. Since Chris’ team from three years ago were state champs, it was fun for him to come back and say hello to the teachers that still run the program at AHS.
Speaking for myself, I’m amazed that I have a twenty year old kid! It seems like I was twenty not too long ago myself. (In reality it was 27 years ago!) I have a photo of my somewhere on my 20th birthday. I’ll dig it up and put it here if I can find it. Meanwhile you’ll have to make do with my reasonable facsimile. Those of you who knew me when I was twenty can attest to the resemblance, though I think Chris is better looking than I ever was. 😉
As promised here’s a photographic update, fresh from the scanner:
Finally, my favorite photo of Chris & his mom, taken on Vancouver Island in the summer of 1991:
Car Photo of the Day: Name That Car
Since the last CPotD turned into a stumper I’ll toss a fairly simple one in the mix for the weekend. It even has a short name (can be condensed to 5 characters) so all you folks typing on your new iPads can easily guess.
Can you name this car?
Qualifier: Marque specialists ( I know who you are!) must provide full model details, or no iPad for you. 😛
Cascade Sunset Clouds
The weather here over the past few days has been dramatically Spring-ish. Unlike our traditional multi-layer blankets of grey, we’ve been treated to dramatic broken clouds and sunbreaks. This evening as we were finishing dinner (Nick made pasta and meatballs!) the dining room’s eastern facing windows began bathing us in golden light. A large storm cloud was over the Cascades and was being lit by the setting sun. Nick said I should get my camera. I stood up and looked outside, and noted the towering, spreading cloud top and said that I really don’t have a wide-angle lens wide enough to really and adequately capture the moment. Then I recalled that I had a step-up ring that fit my Olympus 0.7x teleconverter. I dug that out of the camera bag as fast as I could and screwed together the bits I needed, and scurried out onto the deck. Sure enough the 9.8mm equiv lens couldn’t capture the entirety of the scene. (You guys need to buy some of my photos so I can buy that 7-14mm lens! Click over there!—> )
I shot about 50 images, most in JPEG then finally remembered to switch to RAW as the sun finally sunk over the horizon.
Today, after chatting with a few folks about the fixes in the latest rev of Aperture I re-downloaded/installed it (after nuking all evidence of its previous existence off my disk.) Oddly the pixels right off the sensor were pretty damn good on their own! I performed minimal adjustments. These three images are straight JPEG exports from Aperture. No round trips to Photoshop for my usual “save to web” treatment. Which do you like best?
Car Photo of the Day: Name That Car
Not a real hard one today, as I’m a bit busy, sorry!
(I’m taking Chris back to school for Spring Quarter this afternoon, then heading down to Portland for the day Tuesday.)