Car Photo of the Day: a Leaper

Here’s an iconic figure. The leaping Jaguar hood ornament. Said to have been designed by Sir William Lyons himself in 1938. It works so well on some cars, and so horribly on others such as the E-type. Why some people insist upon bolting them to E-type bonnets is beyond me! It is beautiful though. Perfectly suited to some classic Jaguar designs, such as the SS90/SS100, and many post-war Saloons.

Sunday Drive

A bit delayed, but here’s my report of a pleasant Sunday drive this past weekend. Sorry for the delay, but my photo-editing software was broken. Namely the “Save for web” feature, which makes nice reasonably-sized JPEG files would not work for me. A few calls to Adobe Tech Support revealed to me that their programmers are complete idiots. It seems that unless you are logged into your Macintosh in an account with “administrator” levels of privilege certain features will not work… huh? I’ll let my friend John (John, you should add a whole “adobe” category on your site… I’d link to it!) continue to beat on them about such insanity as he’s so much better than I about those things. Too bad Tim Gill never shipped his “Photoshop killer” back in the day. Sigh… when you would trade Quark for Adobe you KNOW things have gotten bad!

(Click “More” to see the rest.)
Continue reading “Sunday Drive”

Car Photo of the Day: Bulbous & Bug Splattered

A unique machine in many ways. This one (embarrassingly enough) out-ran the E-type at one point in the rally we shared. Mind you, I was in the navigator’s seat and instructed my driver to “catch that car” as I wanted to photograph it, and it ran away from us at triple digit speeds. I’m certain we could have caught it, but my driver was … timid. 😛

He can explain himself in the comments if he feels the need to (you know who you are!)

Meanwhile I’ll leave it to the rest of you to sort out the identity of the machine.

“You can always count on Americans to do the right thing…after they’ve tried everything else.”

Churchill said that. The question remains as to the definition of the “right thing.”

I’ve never felt very well represented by either of the major political parties. If anything I’m a libertarian, but can not bring myself to actually join the party of that name. One thing I do like and appreciate is the peaceful transfer of power that happens at all levels of our government on a regularly, scheduled basis. The schedule itself is occasionally problematic, but the majority rarely achieves the tyranny the Founders so rightly feared. Today is just such a day.

I imagine an Obama Exit Counter will start shortly. Wish is how it should be. 😉

Car Photo of the Day: Name that car.

Yes, I know I still owe everyone my mini-trip report from the weekend, but I’m still wrestling with my photo editing software. I have a case open with Adobe, and perhaps if they can tell me why Photoshop Can’t Save, I’ll post something tonight. Meanwhile here’s a car to ponder, and it isn’t the MG B in the background. This is something you don’t see too often on these shores, but I’m sure John will have them buzzing all around him on the Monte Carlo Historique shortly. Sacre Bleu!

Can you name it?