Car Photo of the Day.

This car appeared at my little hometown “Show n’ Shine”, and event put on by the downtown merchants association. They close down Olympic Avenue, the main street through town, and it becomes a big pedestrian mall for the day. The show has prizes, but given the small-town nature my car doesn’t have a chance. They have no classes for non-American cars (does an E-type fit in “60s stock” or “Specialty Cars”?) so for me it is a day to take photos and chat with car guys… and shock the crowds by inviting people to sit in my car.

One of the challenges of photographing in this venue is shooting in crowds, and avoiding the standard ¾ shot of the car against the curb. I take one of those for every car, if only to catalog it as a car… but honestly those PHOTOGRAPHS are dull.

This photograph though, is not dull and those are the sorts of photos I like.

6 thoughts on “Car Photo of the Day.”

  1. Cool photo chuck! Say, what camera setup do you use out of curiosity- I’ve never seen you mention it/them.

  2. I’m pretty sure I’ve posted data about my stuff before…

    It is a 2002 vintage Olympus D-5050z. I have two lens adapters I work with, a wide angle and a telephoto. The latter rarely gets used as it is impossible to shoot with it accurately as it is NOT an SLR.

    One skill I retained from my training in fine arts is the ability to “see”… that is, not conceptualize what I am looking at. I can actually see the photograph as a whole when peering through the viewfinder. I also try to take care to eliminate distracting visual elements (Intersections of lines, odd shadows, etc) when shooting.

    Bottom Line: The operator is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than the gear.

    That said, I think I’m in the market for a good DSLR now that they are getting reasonably priced. Look for some thoughts about that soon.

  3. Just went to a friend’s art photography gallery Saturday night, and he’s got some of the MOST stunning landscape pix you’re likely to see!

    He also has pithy little aphorisms posted around the gallery, and two of favorites, which are related to Chuck’s comment about the operator being key to good photography are:

    “What does one calla person who owns a good Nikon camera?

    A Nikon owner.”

    ..and my favorite:

    “The best way to make money doing photography, is the sell the camera.”


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