I heard that classic tune of teenage lust gone bad “Paradise By The Dashboard Light” (sung by Meatloaf) last week and thought of a new theme for the CPOTD: Dashboards. Can you name a car with just a view of the dash? Let’s give it a try!
Category: Car Photo Of The Day
Just another place to look at car stuff.
Car Photo of the Day.
Sorry for the dearth of posts this week.. been busy!
Here is a great shot taken on the 2004 Colorado Grand. Intrepid car spotters are welcome to have a guess at the red machines screaming through the desert morning.
(I just noticed this is the 600th post I’ve made on this particular iteration of my website)
Car Photo of the Day: Name that car.
A favorite pre-1940 car. Have a guess.
Car Photo of the Day: Name that car.
I think this one will be a stumper. It looks like a lot of other things, but then some detail doesn’t match up. Know what it is?
Car Photo of the Day: Name that car.
This particular sort of car came up in discussion on the Jag-Lovers.org E-type group, and I commented on the way cool dashboard with the Dome-a-rama gauges. I knew I had a photo of it to share but could not find it at the time. Today I’m looking for more Bugatti pics and tripped right over it! I’ve abandoned the Bugatti theme for this one guys. Once I find the Bugatti pics I’ll post them to yesterday’s CPOTD. Since the discussion of Jag-Lovers named this car in today’s CPOTD any participants in that group are not eligible for guessing, sorry guys. Anyone else know what sort of car this is?
Hard to see from this angle, but that gauge cluster above the wheel is fully encased in a plexiglass dome that extends up along the steering column. Very Gemini-Capsule, Jetson-o-rama, retro-o-futurism! Makes me want to go watch “The Right Stuff” at the Cinerama.
Hard-core “name that car” people can have a go at all the stuff in the background too – though given that this was taken at a local car show at the NAPA store in my little town, the variety is not exactly on par with Amelia Island or Pebble Beach! 😉
(BTW Tomorrow’s CPOTD is a real stumper from Amelia so gird your loins!)
Car Photo of the Day: Back to my Bugatti theme…
Here’s another Bug I have some photos of in my collection. My photo collection that is!
The car belongs to Dean Edmonds, who graciously provided a bunch of rallyists a tour of his car collection and shop on a break of the final running of the Forza Amelia a few years back. It was his favorite car in the collection. Dean is the gentleman in the center of the photo. We’re all jacketed up as after the tour we had a formal dinner sitting among the cars of another famous collection, a story for another time. This Bugatti Type 55 was immaculate, I’ll share some more photos of it later.
Here they are:
Car Photo of the Day. A beloved mongrel. ;)
This car is owned by a frequent commentator here on c.g.o… I’ll let him explain the mix & match parts extravaganza going on under the bonnet. Either that or this is the elusive “Series 1.0075 E-type!” 😉