Noticing a theme here? The previous CPOTD had a Type 57SC Atlantic, can you name this species of genus Bugatti?
A few bonus points can be earned by identifying the other cars, but there all pretty easy., serving useless content from an undisclosed location since 1997
Just another place to look at car stuff.
Noticing a theme here? The previous CPOTD had a Type 57SC Atlantic, can you name this species of genus Bugatti?
A few bonus points can be earned by identifying the other cars, but there all pretty easy.
Ok I know I’m bugging you with an easy one, but man… isn’t that beautiful?
Here’s another shot of the Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic
The last place you would expect to see a 450sl… doing well on a racetrack. That’s yours truly smiling like the Cheshire Cat (in the car my parents are currently driving across the continent with a gremlin in the electrical system.) I’m smiling because I just turned in the second fastest time of the day on the road course at Gainesville Speedway in Florida at the 2004 Forza Amelia. Dad & I also won that event with a Perfect Zero score.
The modern Ferrari you see in the background later trounced us all and dropped me to third place on the track day. Oh well. The real victory was beating a bunch of better cars (and experienced drivers!) in a slush-box equipped boulevard cruiser! I don’t claim to be a great track driver, I have very little experience “driving in anger”, I just happened to take the right line and be very lucky that day.
We’ll be rallying again soon, which is the reason he’s ferrying the car to Vermont. We’ll be once again trying to win the New England 1000, and event that we have done together four other times over the past eleven years. As always I’ll post nightly updates once the rally begins in late May. Hopefully the demons infesting the Bosch bits will be flushed out by then!
Springtime is here in the Pacific Northwest. Do you know how we know? The rain gets warmer! 😉
I’m itching to get out on the road again. I still have to complete the exhaust installation, and get my new OP gauge working correctly. But that just gets the car ready. I long to answer the call of the open road again… set off with just a companion, a road atlas, and a vague idea of a destination. That has to wait for the rain to stop however.
The above shot was taken on the Oregon Coast in October of 2004, as my father and I were headed south for the Mille Autunno.
Seen at the Northwest Historics a few years back.
Name all the cars. 😉
Some more from Maranello. can you name all the cars in this pic?