Insanely busy, mind the gap.

The past week has been VERY busy for me, leaving no time for blogging. In fact I’m in a motel in Madras, Oregon at the moment and this is the first time I’ve looked at my website in a week!

So here’s a pic to tide you over the weekend:

Any guesses?

Kevin got it: An Auburn.

Here are some more pictures of the same car (from the 2005 Colorado Grand.)

Car Photo of the Day… Quebec!

This shot has a sort of “je ne sais quoi, eh.” 😉

Taken at the 2003 New England 1000 vintage rally as we lined up for a start from the Chateau Frontenac. That space in front of the Aston-Martin became ours shortly afterwards when the official rally photog wanted to shoot the impressive facade of the Chateau looming above the equally impressive nose of the Jaguar XK 120.

I took some other shots that day, as the location was awesome, so look for the scene again in the future in this “CPOTD” location. I picked this one as it has a wonderful “Summer” feel to it.

That day started wonderfully as you can see, but a few hours later we missed a checkpoint and earned a 1 second penalty (after running a perfect rally up to that point) and then to add injury to insult, threw a fan belt, and ended up blowing ourselves completely off the competitive scale. It became a tour after that… but we did stop at a racetrack and had some fun.
