No iPhone for me.

Chucks Old & New Phones

I finally retired my worn out, beaten, and tired Treo 600 a couple of weeks ago (yes, that is electrical tape holding the antenna on!) Did I get an iPhone? Nope.

I was at Moscone Center for the Macworld Expo keynote last January when Steve Jobs announced the iPhone. I’ve been to many keynotes and basked in the Reality Distortion Field enough to have built up a strong resistance. I like the iPhone, I really do. I’m certain that it has a fine future. So certain I bought AAPL stock during a lull last spring when it was well under $100. But would I buy an iPhone for myself?

I seriously considered it. Here is what my decision came down to:

* I loathe AT&T.
I’ve been an AT&T customer before, both as a cell phone consumer, and as a corporate customer. Their billing and account management systems are probably the finest example of Soviet-style bureaucracy you will ever find in the free world. They make dealing with the Department of Licensing seem efficient by example. The lock-in deal that Apple made with AT&T was probably my biggest RDF let-down of the keynote. The more I thought about doing business with them the more I was put-off by the idea of buying an iPhone.

Yes, I know, I could have joined the (miniscule) ranks of the un-lockers, but I’ve grown old enough that I have lost the desire to hack *everything* around me. Some things I just want to work, and a telephone is one. The bricked phone people can whine, but honestly, they should not be surprised.

* I can’t go alone.
I was on a shared plan with my spouse, and it made sense for us to stay on one. In fact I started looking for plans that would work for my whole family. Chris is of driving age, and Nick is of “I need to be driven everywhere” age. Nick in particular was tiring of borrowing phones to call whichever of his two parents was coming to Track, Cross-country, or whatever practice/meet/lesson he needed to be shuttled to and from.

Sue & I had a 2100 minute plan from Verizon. I used about 120-175 minutes and she blabbed her way through the rest. We never went over and usually used almost all.

AT&T’s family plans don’t match up well with our usage and I could never get a straight answer on how they meshed with the iPhone.

T-mobile offered a family plan that seemed to fit us like Goldilocks’s “just right” porridge.

* Coverage and Technology
This issue is what completely sold me on T-mobile and the phones I chose, and eliminated the iPhone from contention entirely. T-mobile offers UMA phones. “UMA” stands for “Unlicensed Mobile Access” which boils down to yet another VOIP system, but this time using 802.11 as the Layer 1/2 protocols. T-mobile offers an option they call “Hot Spot @ Home” that includes a wifi router, and GSM/UMA phones to go with it. Sue wanted a small, “flip phone” type handset, so for her and the boys I selected a Nokia 6086. The killer features for Sue are small size and voice dialling. The handset I chose for myself is a RIM Blackberry Curve. The killer features for me are:

1. The ability to easily sync my contacts from my old Treo to it, a task slam-dunked with a side-grade of MissingSync from Mark|Space. I’ve been a happy user of their Palm product since my old trusty (and original “brick-phone”)Kyocera 6035 (… man I miss that phone… sigh.) It was trivial to get my years and years of phone address book entries into the Blackberry after purchase: hook it up to the Mac via USB and click. Presto!

2. Reasonable-cost data access.
I never actually used a full data plan on my Treo as Verizon’s data plan rates were particularly usurious whenever I looked at them. I was content to use my Treo more as a PDA (calendar/contacts/to-do lists/etc) than a full-blown communications device. I did use the excellent PDATraffic application to get traffic data for my commute, and paid $0.15 per kilobyte to do so (happily I might add, as the app was very lightweight in its usage.) T-mobile’s unlimited data plan seemed very reasonable and works both over the EDGE network (just like an iPhone) and over WiFi. (But unlike the iPhone I can make voice calls over WiFi too.)

Overall though the deal closer for me was the UMA/WiFi calling. We live out in the boonies. In the Cascade Foothill surrounded by hills and trees. Thick, tall trees that (occasionally fall down) contsantly and utterly destroy a cell signal. We’ve lived there for a decade and never have been able to make or receive cell phone calls. In some ways this is a blessing, but it is growing tiresome in today’s reality. Getting in touch with us by phone was always location-dependant. Now it doesn’t have to be. So for the first time ever, if you call me on my cell at home, I can answer. So can Sue, and now, so can the boys.

* Other Considerations.
I considered just replacing my Treo. I had collected a small number of useful PalmOS apps over the years and I really had grown fond of some of them. In the end I could not justify staying with the platform. It is really old and showing its age. I can’t bring myself to jump to Windows Mobile… it is just such a kludgey environment. Sort of the worst of PalmOS coupled to a bad WinCE UI.

The iPhone really is attractive. I suppose I will likely have one at some point in the future. But it is still an immature product with a long way to go. Apple had to compromise a LOT of things to get it shipped. The AT&T lock, the lack of features, the the lack of software. It all added up to a “not yet” for me. At this point in my life I’m content to hang back off the bleeding edge and let the early adopters work out the issues at their expense. I’m sure that by version 2 or 3 it will be what I am looking for. I’m happy to grab a mature, evolved product like the Blackberry Curve, and use it for all it is worth while the iPhone makes its way beyond infancy. I like my technology beyond the diaper stage right now.

So far I’m quite pleased with the Curve. It is small, thin, lightweight (especially compared to my Treo) and has some really nice features. I’m loving the way it handles email. My office mates constantly chide me for not checking my email often enough (shocking, I know to those of you who know me… but I have my mail client set to check every 30 minutes… not fast enough for my peers it seems!) So now I am notified in a very nice manner what my inbound mail queue looks like via my phone. If there is something important to attend to, I can. The chat clients are nice too. I only really use AIM, but I could branch into some others too now that I have a unified client (no, I don’t use Adium on my laptop.) The camera actually takes pretty reasonable pictures, so if I’m caught somewhere without my Olympus at least now you’ll have better shots here. It plays music much better than my Treo ever did and made a nice “extra iPod” on a recent set of long flights. I LOVE that it uses a standard USB cable, the same as my camera, to connect, charge etc. No goofy proprietary cable to carry! yeah! I’ve found some useful apps too. Google Maps (though the traffic feature is nowhere near as good as PDATraffic. 🙁 ) and a few others. The voice dialling is excellent, with no training required. It is the best voice dialer I’ve operated since my old Kyocera 6035.

Overall I’m happy with the choice. No iPhone, but at this time I’d rather have useful than just good looking.

What is your Mechanical Aptitude?

which direction

Go here and take this test.

My advice: read the questions very carefully. Literally observe the illustrations. Take your time.
The terminology with regards to directions is relative to position, so LITERAL observation of the illustrations is required. Don’t overthink them as that is how I screwed up. 😉

Let me know how you do in the comments.

Fast Food, Seattle Style


I saw this article in the dead-tree edition of this local “alternative weekly” paper, aptly named “The Seattle Weekly.” On the cover it showed an anime-style cartoon ilustrating Seattle’s love affair with teriyaki. As soon as I saw it, I hoped they’d give Toshi his due… thankfully they did.

When I arrived in Seattle in the early weeks of 1986 I wandered into a Toshi’s, and was served by the man himself. I love teriyiaki and the finest practitionaer of this culinary art is Toshi. Of cousre here in Seattle Teriyaki is as ubiquitous, if not more, than every other food and drink option out there, even coffee or hamburgers. So even without Toshi opening up a new place in another neighborhood every few months any more, there are still a myriad of choices for the consumer. Within a short drive of my office there are easily 25-50 Teriyaki places, all small, locally owned, and excellent.

When I was away from Seattle… my time in the UK in the mid-90s, one of the things I really missed was a good cheap Teriyaki lunch. Of course in London, ANY cheap lunch would be welcome because they just didn’t exist.. probably still don’t!

Looking for an excellent fast-food alternative? Try it Seattle-style! Teriyaki.

Cell Phones as a Driving Distraction

I hate to talk on my cell phone while I’m driving. In fact, I hate to talk people on their cell phones when they are driving. Driving a car requires significant amounts of attention. You can not pay attention to driving while also talking on a telephone. Many people will argue that they can, only because they have yet to die in a fiery wreck, and they talk on their phones all the time while driving. I would argue the opposite. On my commute I swear 3 out of 5 drivers have a phone plastered to their head. I have swerved to avoid many inattentive cell-phone yakker drifting over the lane lines on the freeway. It was only due to the fact that I wasn’t distracted, and I was aware that they were, that I avoided collision.

I haven’t been able to adequately argue why you shouldn’t talk on a phone while driving. But somebody else just did it for me.

What follows is probably the most well-considered arguments for why talking on a cell phone is so much more taxing on your brain than other distractions one encounters while driving… It was written by my friend Adam Engst of TidBITs (also a digital.forest client!) as part of an ongoing discussion on a mailing list.

The first bits are quoted remarks from the previous discussion, the rest is all Adam:

(all the reported studies say that the distraction from the process of talking on the phone is as dangerous as the distraction from dialing the phone and holding it).

Are these distractions any more than having a passenger in the car and talking to them? How about the distraction of talk-radio?

I find myself in agreement with the studies that talking on cell
phones while driving is highly distracting, and significantly more so
than talking to another person in the car or listening to talk radio.
I base this somewhat on personal anecdotal experience, but largely on
what I learned while ghost-writing the late Cary Lu’s “The Race for
Bandwidth” book.

The problem is basically that a cell phone conversation is a very low
bandwidth communication channel, with significantly less bandwidth
available than for POTS (plain old telephone system) calls. That’s
why calls break up, voices are hard to understand, and so on. And
even when the voice on the other end is clear and continuous, the
audio range is significantly limited.

Now, whenever you’re faced with a difficult-to-interpret audio
signal, your brain responds by doing a great deal more processing. If
someone you’re speaking with isn’t speaking clearly, for instance,
you’ll look more intently at their face, in essence adding visual lip
reading to what you’re hearing; your brain combines the information
so you can better understand what you’re hearing. With cell phone
conversations, it’s common to see people plugging the ear not being
used for the phone to block out distracting external noises; in
essence, they’re subconsciously trying to devote more brain power to
decoding the cell conversation. I’ve even found myself closing my
eyes when trying to distinguish particular words that are difficult
to distinguish.

As a result, it simply makes sense that if your brain is being forced
to do a great deal of audio processing, it will have somewhat less
attention for driving. I’m sure people can learn the skill of driving
while talking on the phone – repetition will improve nearly any
activity – but I have no doubt that talking on a cell phone is a
notable distraction for many.

What about the situation where you’re talking with someone else in
the car? There are two huge differences. First, the amount of
bandwidth is huge – the audio quality of someone sitting next to you
is many times that of a telephone call. Second, and more important,
if the person in question is an adult, they can (and usually will)
adjust their speaking to the driving conditions. An aware companion
will stop talking if the driver needs to navigate an unfamiliar area,
or if there’s a traffic hazard approaching. Driving with an unaware
companion, such as a screaming baby, would thus be much worse.

How about the radio? Again, the bandwidth is generally higher, and
the audio quality generally improved by being sent through car
speakers. But what’s key with radio is that it’s a one-way
transmission. You must still process the incoming audio, but there’s
no need or expectation that you’ll reply, and the informational value
of the content is generally low. In other words, you can tune out the
radio to concentrate on driving for seconds or minutes with no
downside. And of course, you can always shut it off – you’re in
complete control of the one-sided conversation without even the need
for social niceties (it’s rude to just hang up on someone, but no
radio host is bothered if they’re turned off :-)).

So again, with the acknowledgement that anyone can practice talking
on the phone while driving to improve their driving-while-talking
skills, it seems quite clear to me that it does detract from
attention paid to the road, and more so than either a companion in
the car or listening to the radio. Improving the physical situation
by using a headset and voice dialing rather than holding and dialing
the phone will also help, but only so far.

cheers… -Adam

Well said Adam!

Here’s something you don’t see everyday!

Sunday I went for a drive in the E-type. I had an errand to do, buying a PVC elbow at a hardware store for the barn project, and the local hardware store is closed on Sunday. I drove down to the “big box” store by the freeway, which happens to be located on the Tulalip Reservation. I figured rather than drive back on the Interstate, I’d take back roads out to Marine Drive, then north to the Stillaguamish river, which I could follow home. Turning left rather than right out of the hardware store had me heading for the coast, but the roads all started twisting about. I’ve never really been in this particular area, but I have an excellent sense of direction and knew that if I just kept trending west, I’d eventually hit Marine Drive.

Sure enough I got sucked into and completely spun about in one of those new McMansion housing developments with roads all going this way and that, lots of dead-ends, and no straight paths. It was waaaaay up on a hill, which I had no idea existed, with spectacular views to the NE, towards my home and the mountains behind. Wow. I just wandered slowly, puttering about at 25 MPH through the completed and incomplete McMansions. As I crested a rise I caught sight of a bonnet, and a set of headlights that screamed “Series 1 E-type” parked on the right hand side.

Jaguar? nope...

As the car came completely into view, I knew that it was NOT a Jaguar. I came to halt right in front of it and I recognized the name in chrome script in the grille. This is the first time I have ever seen one “in the flesh” so to speak…

A Mazda Cosmo Sport

Mazda Cosmo Sport

It was almost as if an Alfa Romeo and a E-type mated and had a kid… mutt though it is.

This particular one was also white, and for sale. So if anyone wants one, let me know. 😉

Here is an article Jay Leno wrote about his. Maybe he wants another one? If anyone knows him, and he’s in the market for another one, let me know, I can probably find it again.

I eventually did find my way to Marine Drive, and home. A nice Sunday drive. I love doing that… wandering off in the Jaguar, and following roads I’ve never driven. What a great way to get somewhere… in no particular hurry… and occasionaly discover something completely unusual!

Barn Project

meth lab?

Sorry for the lightweight blogging recently… been very busy both at work and at home. The above is a photo of merely ONE of my barn projects of late. Can you guess what it is?

I also dealt the final coup de grace to the fallen tree in our backyard last weekend. Fun story about that, but I haven’t had the time to post it!

I also owe everyone the “day two” of the Classic Motorcar Rally… really behind on that.

Oh yeah… I finished the book about Chile under Pinochet… fascinating stuff. I have some thoughts about it I’d like to share, but again… not enough time for my own writing recently.

Oh well. I’ll get to it, I Promise! 😉

Chuck’s Canonical “HowTo” on avoiding speeding tickets

Doing The Ton.

I’ve read a lot of articles on the Internet about avoiding speeding tickets. These have frequently been linked from, as they seem addicted to “how to…” type articles. (I genuinely hope I don’t get linked by digg, mostly because my images are being hosted by an aging server. 😉 ) Most of these “how to avoid speeding tickets” articles play it safe and say “run with the pack” and/or “don’t exceed the limit by more than 5mph” or similar simple solutions. I’m sorry, but advice like that is… as my friend Jeff would say… “A big no-shi**er!” How about some advice for the serious lead-foot? Well here it is:

Please Note: This photo was taken while PASSING a Ferrari.

First off: The Disclaimers

If you follow this advice and get a ticket, have a wreck, kill somebody, whatever… it is YOUR fault, not mine. If you haven’t had any driver training other than “Driver’s Ed” in High School, don’t use any of this advice. If you haven’t taken a high-performance driving course, or spent time on a track, don’t drive near your personal skill limits on a public road. If you don’t know the limits of your car’s performance envelope, don’t push them on a public road. If your car is not well maintained, don’t push it on a public road. Know the condition of your tires, they are the most important part of your car’s ability to go, stop, and turn properly. Check your air pressure regularly.

Use good judgement at all times.

somewhere in Florida

Priority: Don’t Get Caught.

1. Get a good radar detector.

The police have made this electronic warfare, you need to be armed. Don’t bother with those little battery powered beepers… get a REAL detector/locater. I use a Valentine One. Yes, it is expensive, but worth every penny. Mine has paid for itself many times over.

A good detector will alert you to what is happening out there. A REALLY good one will be able to tell you a LOT about your surroundings. Get one and learn to use it.

Mine makes noises and lights lights, and 90% of the time I can safely ignore it, but once in a while it speaks to me and I listen. Sometimes it demands my attention and requires immediate action. It has even stopped me from getting tickets when I have been caught… more on that later.

Law enforcement uses several types of speed measuring devices, from radar to “laser” (light based tools) and low-tech systems such as observation aircraft and pacing. Patrol cars in motion (especially the unmarked ones) seem to use K-band radar, and a good detector will pick these up well over a mile away. I have never, ever been stopped by K-band. Motorcycle cops and occasionally police cruisers will use Ka-band radar. They are usually “point & shoot” devices, where the officer aims at the car he wants to measure and invokes the device. With a good detector you will be hinted by the officer’s early targets before he selects you. You may not get much warning, especially if the officer is around a curve or hill.

A detector won’t help you with aircraft and pacing. For that you’ll need to…

Somewhere in California


When you are driving, you are propelling a multi-thousand pound hunk of steel, glass, rubber, and plastic down the road at lethal speeds… you really should be paying attention to what you are doing. This means no cell phones, no eating, no satellite navigation systems, no text messaging, nothing that distracts your attention from the act of driving. Your eyes are the most vital driving tool you have. Put them to use scanning the road, the cars around you, the overall environment. Don’t just passively look out the window, actively SEE what is happening outside. Don’t let yourself be visually distracted by things inside the car.

There are times I feel like I’m the only guy on the freeway that is seeing what is going on. You should always know:

  • Your current speed
  • Your car’s condition, fuel, temps, etc
  • Traffic around you
  • Your current speed
  • The road ahead of you
  • Traffic way ahead of you (see #6 below)
  • Objects in your mirrors
  • Weather conditions, wind direction, precipitation, etc
  • Your current speed
  • The attention levels of the drivers around you (cell phone to their head?)
  • Potential spots for cops ahead
  • Your current speed

Did I mention your current speed, that plays an important role later…

Paying attention will help you spot things that could lead to a ticket. Patrol cars parked up ahead on an overpass. Motorcycles in the median. Aircraft doing lazy circles over the road miles ahead. Unmarked cars… usually Fords or Chevrolets with suspiciously nondescript exteriors, steel wheels, no “my kid is an honor student” bumper stickers, no plate frame with a dealer name on it, etc, and overly clean-cut drivers.

Paying attention is also the best way to avoid accidents. Keep your eyes open folks.


3. Go back and read #2 again.

It really is that important.

Somewhere in Idaho

4. If you are going to go REALLY fast, do it alone.

Search out abandoned, lonely roads. Limited access, no intersections, no lights, no traffic, nothing but you, your car, and wide open spaces. If you are near a town, or there are any other cars around SLOW DOWN. Those of us in the western US are lucky, as there are plenty of open, lonely roads out here. Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, etc are crisscrossed by empty Interstates, state highways, and county roads where you can find the space and time to drive.

But what about normal every day driving? Read on…

Love those curves!

5. When in traffic on freeway, stay out of the “fast lane” when you can.

I lived in Europe in the mid-90s and really appreciated the fact that Europeans understand and embrace the concept of Lane Discipline. They adhere to the idea that the “fast lane” is for passing only. Trucks stay in the slow lane and NEVER leave it, except to pass another truck. Cars move over when you approach them at a higher rate of speed. Good lane discipline and courtesy does wonders for keeping traffic moving along smoothly. This is how they have unrestricted Autobahns in Germany… because the drivers there know how to drive properly on multi-lane freeways.

Unfortunately I live in America, where the citizens are selfish and self-centered to the point of having NO lane-discipline, or concept of courtesy on the roads, especially while driving on that most American of roads, “the freeway.”

My daily commute consists of a good portion of the main west coast concrete arterial, Interstate 5. I have been driving this stretch of road almost every day for a decade, and I have discovered many things about my fellow Americans along the way. They rarely look in their rearview mirrors. They compulsively avoid the “slow lane.” The majority of them it seems spend their commute time chatting on their cell phones. They are terrified of being alone and congregate in slow-moving herds… “Utah blobs” they are called out in the West… that clog all lanes across the highway at a time, with no lane moving faster than any other. Lanes are important, but their function is merely to provide a space for forward motion, except of course the “slow lane” whose function is merely a merging space for on- and off-ramps.

To anyone familiar with lane discipline, this situation is frustrating as hell. I have literally seen, on many occasions, drivers merge onto a freeway, left turn signal blinking, and immediately traverse all lanes of a multilane freeway and place themselves in the far left, aka “fast lane” and continue on their way. Many of them have done this RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, while I was travelling ~10 MPH faster than them, forcing me to “undertake” them, by passing on the inside. The simple fact is, Americans are poor drivers.

American drivers make easy prey for the revenue collectors of the nation’s highways though. Cops rely on the fact that the average American driver doesn’t pay that much attention. They also pick the “low hanging fruit”… meaning drivers in the “fast lane.” I usually see the State Patrol’s speed traps set up in the inside median cross-overs, or if being run by motorcycle cops, leisurely sitting on the jersey barriers… almost invisible. The State Patrol around here use optical SMDs (aka “laser”) and optical SMDs are “line of sight” devices. The cop has to be looking right at you through his SMD to measure you. He is aiming a beam at you and his device is reading the reflected light. As such they really need to be STRAIGHT AHEAD of you. This limits their ability to measure much beyond a single lane. If you are NOT in the lane he’s patrolling, then you are safe from detection. I have rolled through speed traps on I-5 going 90 MPH. The key was that I was in the right hand lane and they were focussed, like a laser, on the left hand lane. The exception for this is overpasses and/or hills/curves. This is where paying attention pays off. Scan ahead.

Let them catch the unaware.

The Ultimate Rabbit: Jerry Mouton's E-type!

6. Get a “Rabbit”

A tried and true method that does wonders. If somebody is driving like a bat out of hell, take advantage of them. I love doing this on long-distance cruises. Find somebody going real fast and fall in about a an eighth to a quarter mile behind them. Close enough to see them and stay on pace, but far enough to let them be the only one caught should Smokey be on patrol. This is where your radar detector can REALLY pay off. You can roll with confidence and it will alert you when they get tagged. I have personally had at least a dozen “rabbits” take the fall for me over the years.

The best rabbits are “boy racers” with big wings and bad judgement (redundant, I know.) If you can find one of those, you’re set! They are easy to trick into rabbit duty too. 😉

Finally, there are always “rabbits” out there, that may not even be driving fast. Remember up above in the “pay attention” segment, I noted that you need to be observant of traffic way ahead of you. People REFLEXIVELY tap their brakes when they see a cop doing speed patrol. Keep an eye on the traffic a quarter-mile ahead of you. When EVERYONE on the freeway semaphores with their brake lights at or around the same spot, chances are Smokey is waiting for you up ahead.

wide open road

7. Learn to properly modulate

Spend some time getting to know your car and how it performs. Learn to shed speed efficiently. Know how to drop from any speed to within 5mph of the speed limit with minimal effort and drama.

If you are speeding, and you see a cop, you want to lose speed fast, but without tearing up asphalt with your car’s front bumper. Tire smoke is a dead giveaway. If you can shed speed before he has a chance to get an accurate measure of it, you are halfway there to beating the rap.

Practice makes perfect, and awareness pays off.

stormy weather

8. Be aware of context!

Weather can make safe roads dangerous. Stopping and braking are harder on wet or slippery surfaces. Use your friggin brain and don’t speed in bad conditions. If it is snowing or there is snow & ice on the roadway, I drive VERY conservatively. Snow is not the time for speeding!

I only drive fast in cars. I have an old pickup truck that transforms me into a grandfather with regards to my driving. It has a high center of gravity and handling like… well a truck. It was built for utility, NOT speed. My wife has a Jeep Liberty. When I drive it I rarely go much beyond the speed limit. This is also a vehicle not designed to go fast. If I’m going fast I want a car that handles well at speed. High CoG kills handling at speed. It might kill you. Don’t speed in an SUV.

Note to Americans: Four wheel drive does NOTHING to improve stopping distances on a slippery surface. Nor does it make you invincible. Having power applied to all your wheels does not mean you can drive like an idiot at high speed on snow.

Arrest Me Red

9. Make a dull catch

Part of the dynamic of the predator/prey relationship is the value of the prey to the predator. Now think back to high school and those guys you knew who wanted to be cops when they grew up… think about their personality and ego. If they were stalking speeders, what would they want to catch? “Red Ferrari” is probably #1 on their mental list of big game to bag, right? See the photo above? Within an hour of me taking that photo we were stopped for speeding by a County Sheriff in rural Colorado. He asked us “what sort of car is this anyway? Is this a Ferrari?” When we replied “It is a Mercedes-Benz sir.” He sent us away with a warning. I bet that would not have happened IF it were a Ferrari!

The car I drive the fastest on a regular basis is my “daily driver”… you will note I have no pictures of it here… not because I am trying to hide it… just that it is dreadfully boring to look at. It is a compact 4-door sedan. Dull and dirty as dishwater. It is also invisible. It is small, underpowered (Diesel!) and not at all sexy. It holds no attraction to police. It honestly holds no attraction for anybody. If you are going to speed, it is best to do it in as nondescript a car as possible.

Oops! Hello Officer.

What happens if you DO get caught?

“Getting Caught” is a multi-step process, I’ll start at the beginning:

1. Detection

In order to catch you, they have to detect two things: Your presence & your speed. If they are using a optical SMD they have to have DIRECT line of sight. If they are using a radio-frequency SMD they need to be able to pick you from surrounding traffic. If they are moving the opposite direction, it is even harder. If they are using aircraft, they should be easy to see from a long way off as they’ll be slowly circling the area before you get there. You should be able to avoid all of the above by using all my advice above. However, sometimes they are REALLY good. They have good hiding places. They have come up from behind you. They are in unmarked cars and moving along with you. (The State Patrol around here has done things like stationed a cop in the median on a lawn tractor, or patrolled in Volvos and Pickups. They haven’t caught me with these tricks yet though.) Your detector will let you know WHEN you have been detected.

If you have been detected, SLOW DOWN. Use those skills you picked up by practicing #7 in the section above. Shed your speed as much as possible in as undramatic fashion as you can.

I have been detected from hiding places before, and have responded by slowing down. In several cases the officer appeared discretely behind me and paced me for a while before pulling me over. Since I was not going as fast as I was before and he didn’t KNOW that I KNEW I’d been detected, he made the assumption that my speed at the time of detection was unusual. I’m not a mind reader, but I have been sent away with warnings after detection and swift and undramatic behavior modification.


2. Camouflage

I don’t recommend it as a full-time strategy, but if you can “disappear” after detection take advantage of that opportunity. By “disappear” I mean blend in with your surroundings… traffic, like cars, changes of lane or direction, parking lots, exit ramps, whatever. This works best at night, when perception and confusion can work on your side. DO NOT “RUN” but go ahead and hide if you can. Sometimes a slight lane change, trading places with another car, is all it takes. If the cop is right on you, light-bar active, you have no choice but to surrender, but if you have been detected, but he can’t keep an eye right on you from the moment he detects until he has you pulled over, do what you can given the situation. Again, let me repeat DO NOT TRY TO OUTRUN THE POLICE. That is just stupid. But hey, if he can’t find you

In my adventurous youth I took camouflage to an extreme once, but that is a story for another time.

Yes sir.

3. The Roadside Stop

Should all the above fail you and they’ve got you, pull over. This is probably the most important advice I can give, and it is the sum-total of all the above wisdom. Pay attention:

Select a SAFE spot for you and the officer to be, out of traffic and potential harm. Despite all I have said above, I have a deep respect for law enforcement officers. Their lives are at risk every day on our behalf, and they have to deal with the worst of what our society has to offer on a continuous basis. Here is your opportunity to make their lives easier. Consider their safety in your actions. Be courteous in speech and action with the officer. Turn off your car, turn on your emergency flashers. Lower your windows and keep your hands visible. Don’t make any sudden moves. Don’t unbuckle your seat belt and start digging out your wallet until asked. Just sit still and wait for him to approach your car. This may take a while as they all have on-board computers and he’s likely “running your plate” to get as much information about you and the car as possible. Be patient.

Remember #2 in the “Don’t Get Caught” section? You should have been paying attention and known exactly what your speed was when your detector went off. You should know your speed at all times, right? Now is the time to put that knowledge to use.

The very first question (besides a request for your lic, registration, and proof of insurance) the officer will likely ask you is “Do you know how fast you were going?” or something exactly like that. In almost every case I respond with the complete, honest truth. I tell them EXACTLY how fast I was travelling when my detector went off.

I essentially confess to my “crime.” My wife is an attorney. In fact, she is a criminal defence attorney. She tells me I’m an idiot for doing this, and that one day it will backfire on me. So far though, it hasn’t.

Ask any cop when you have the chance. They’ll tell you that most of the time, in fact nearly 99% of the time the person will respond with a noncommittal reply. “I don’t know.” “I wasn’t paying attention.” “No sir, I don’t.”

As far as I’m concerned, you might as well say “I’m supposed to be in control of a motor vehicle, but instead I’m oblivious!”

The MOST IMPORTANT aspect of driving is the goddamn driver paying attention to what they are doing! By telling the officer exactly how fast I’m going I am communicating in no uncertain terms that I AM paying attention. I am in control of my motor vehicle, and am aware of my surroundings and my actions.

Let’s be honest, speed limits are the most-often broken law that we have. Just about EVERYBODY has broken speed laws. The fact that there are some places on earth that have unrestricted speed limits confirms that speed laws are arbitrary in nature. A skilled driver, in reasonable conditions, with good judgement, who is paying attention can safely drive at well above the speed limit. The police know this… hell they do it all the time!

In my experience, when you tell the truth like this, and communicate that you will be careful and observe the limit in the future, they send you away with a warning.

Oh yeah… It also helps if you are over the age of 35 or so.


What do you think? What have you experienced?