I posted this car once before, as part of a larger guessing game, but it remained unidentified. So I’m posting it again. In fact I’ll add another close-up photo of it to give you another hint.

I love this car, and expressed my undying admiration for it to my navigator at the event we saw it a few years back. I picked it as my “car from this event I’d most like to take home.” My navigator thought I was nuts. I imagine once identified all you guys will suspect I’ve lost my marbles as well.
Well maybe not ALL of you, we’ll see. I know some of you also would lust in your petroleum-pumping hearts for one.
The marque has produced some iconic machines and there is one in particular (not this model, but not long after its day) that I have never seen in the flesh and can not wait to be able to photograph its legendary shape.
Today is a “travel day” for me as I’m headed down to San Francisco for Macworld Conference & Expo. This means I won’t be here to hand out hints or tell you if you’re wrong or right until I’m in my hotel at the end of the day. Good luck!