Still Life with Skinners Union HD8 Carburetors
…but in a GOOD way.
Still Life with DOHC
A car that showed up at an Auto-cross practice session I attended some time ago. Shot from across the parking lot with a telephoto lens, which forces perspective and makes things pop a little.
Car Photo(s) of the^X^X^X Independance Day
Today is Independence Day. A day where commemorate a very brave group of men who stood up for self-evident truths and boldly cut the ties that bound them to antiquated notions of leadership and government. So today I’ll show photos of only American cars. However, no ’57 Chevy’s here – they’ll be unique in some way, and if you’re up for the task you’ll identify them in the comments.
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Car Photo of the Day: Three Holer
Speaking of Buicks… this one was spotted at the Arlington Show & Shine last year.
I learned to drive in a 1979 Buick Le Sabre. It was enormous, but being a smogged late 70s Detroit gutless wonder it’s V-8 probably had less real-world power:weight than my 2002 VW jetta TDI, which while only having 90 HP, moves the little sedan around just fine, while getting ~50 MPG. That old Buick sucked gas like there was no tomorrow and seemed like it weighed 6,000 lbs! When you floored it the engine would make a lot of noise, but nothing beyond that ever really happened. Just noise. It had fake plastic holes on the fenders that were barely noticeable. It looked like this, except it was blue. We called it “The Blue-ick” in my family.
One seventies oddity I remember about it was the gasoline filler hidden behind the license plate. You never see those anymore.
Car Photo of the Day: Domestic Affair
I’m not a huge fan of the lumbering machines of mid-20th Century Detroit, but this one caught my eye at a show last year. Can you name the car?
Boy, that was fast!
Here’s a photo of my friend Dan shooting the Buick: