Car Photo of the Day: Double Jaguar Hero Shot

Since you guys are still ruminating over the last guessing game (that post is casting a long SHADOW) I present to you a hero shot of two Jaguars. Garth Norton’s S1 E-type is in the foreground – captured at a perfect moment with a wave from the driver (though the lens flare is a tad annoying), and his wife ahead driving the S2 E-type. A wonderful sunny late summer afternoon in Montana, and taken an hour and 100 miles prior to the Mystery Porsche Driver shown in the still unanswered CPotD guessing game from earlier in the week.

Today is a shockingly sunny January day so I’m going to unwrap the cat and wake it from its hibernation. Expect some photos later. 😉

Car Photo of the Day: Sporco Stallone

or... Splattered Stallion

While you guys are still pondering the identity of the Porsche driver (hint: He cast a big shadow over racing in Canada and America) in yesterday’s CPotD, I present to you an image that should need no guessing. The famous Prancing Pony of Modena here has been splattered with a bit of arthropod shrapnel acquired at speed. If I recall correctly this was adorning the front of a 250 GT Lusso on a New England 1000 a few years back.

Car Photo of the Day: Prestigious Porker Pilot

This 911 is being driven by a famous person, made famous partially for his prowess in piloting Porsches. Do you know who he is?

I didn’t take the photo because of it… I just like this particular style of photo, as many of you know. I call it “the hero shot” as it makes any car look heroic. It is easier to look at than it is to take however, as it involves some derring-do out the side of a fast-moving car, risking life, limb, and camera gear in the process. In this case I tripped the shutter just a tad too late, but it’s still a good shot.

Shaun Redmond is ineligible as he was with me on this event.

Car Photo of the Day: Name that car!

Name That Car!

I ran into a friend and occasional c.g.o commentator Sandro Menzel at an industry event last week. I introduced him to Shaun Redmond, and they both had iPhones with car pictures on them. Shaun’s with his Volvo P1800es restoration, and Sandro’s with his Jensen-Healey and many, many shots of various cars. He showed me this pic and asked if I could “name that car”… I stared at it for about five minutes and just as I was about to hand the phone back to him and give up I pulled a name out of thin air… and nailed it. Sandro must think I’m some sort of genius… but honestly it was just a damn good guess. 😉

So with Sandro’s permission here is the photo in question. Can you Name That Car?

(Since Shaun Redmond was present when I guessed it, he is disqualified. Sorry Shaun!)