The Bank of Cisco | Nyquist Capital

One of the industry blogs I’ve been reading for a long time is Nyquist Capital. I like it because Andrew Schmitt provides excellent analysis that is independent of the herd mentality you find in both the investment and industry press worlds. Both of those tend to be echo-chambers.

His latest brilliant update isThe Bank of Cisco. In it he goes against what everyone is saying about Cisco’s big (and about to grow bigger) pile of money. Most analysts, looking at Cisco’s past decade of behavior believe it is for acquisitions. Schmitt thinks they are looking to make sure Cisco can still sell by becoming the bank. That is providing capital where banks will not, or can not when it comes time for Cisco’s customers to buy equipment. His logic is backed up not by Cisco’s history, but history itself.

I love thinking like that.

What’s wrong with this Picture? (Plus John Fitch Bonus!)

OK, so it isn’t a picture, it is a movie.

I don’t know if it is my design training or perhaps an innate ability, but I spot these things all the time. In fact I am likely one of the most prolific contributors to IMDB in this respect. This isn’t a movie, so I won’t be heading over to IMDB now… but do you have any idea what I’m talking about?

On a more obvious note, I never watch Jay Leno on TV really, but I do visit his website from time-to-time*, as he shares amazing stuff like this:

*I just wish his website had an RSS feed for new content. (Get with the program Jay!)

Note the title of the guy asking the question

Seen on LinkedIn’s Question & Answer section:

Now, if I were calling myself a “Computer Networking Professional” I’d commit seppeku before I posted a question like that.
I had to restrain myself from answering with a pithy reply.

The original is here… at least until the guy realizes how embarrassing it is and pulls it down.