We have (another) winner!

OK, I have to settle for 2nd place this year, but hey… I can’t win ALL the time. 😉

Here is the text from the notification I just received:

Results of the SNG Barratt Jaguar Photographic Competition 2007
The SNG Barratt Jaguar photographic competition was a great success for the second year running, many thanks to everyone that took the time to enter. We’ve all had great fun sifting through the entries. Below are the names of the lucky winners. If you weren’t successful this time, then there’s always next year!!!
Ist prize of £250 worth of SNG Barratt Vouchers goes to Tom Nelson from London, in second place was Chuck Goolsbee, Washington, USA who receives $275 and the third prize of £75 goes to Richard Colton from Stanwick, UK. Below are the winning entries….

My winning photograph this year is a shot of Philipe Reyns’ XKSS I snapped as we drove along the east shore of Swan Lake in NW Montana during this year’s Going To The Sun Rally. It was certainly the ride of my life and worthy of a prize. The prize however will be lavished upon the 65E, sorry Philippe!

Posting this (and Paul Wigton’s comment on my last post) also reminds me that I really need to get back into the “Car Photo of the Day” habit again, since I have so many good ones.

Stay tuned for more of that.

5 Club Tour… aborted.

four jags

Christopher & I left home before the crack of dawn yesterday to join in the “5 Clubs Tour“, an event where 5 Jaguar clubs from Vancouver (two clubs in the Lower Mainland), Victoria on Vancouver Island, Oregon, and the Seattle Jaguar Club all converge on one location via differing routes. Since we live in NW Washington we chose to join the Vancouver group where they met just south of the US/Canada border at Sumas, WA.

I chose to go along at the last minute since the weather was nice and I received an email from the Seattle Club begging for participants (they are sort of a “gather and eat” sort of club… not enough driving stuff for my tastes!) Technically I am a “Member at Large” of JCNA, as I prefer to use my Jag Club membership for running slaloms and the Vancouver clubs combined put on 5-6 slalom events per year, unlike Seattle which does only one. Further the Seattle events all seem to take place south of Seattle (The slalom happens in Auburn and this rally started in Tacoma.)

So we drove north a short way instead of south a long way.

It was COLD. Very cold. I hindsight I should have blanked off the radiator partially as the car never warmed up properly.


This is what I get for having a Texas-rebuilt car. The radiator is too good at cooling. The car runs very well when the weather is hot, and has never overheated (a common problem among Series 1 E-types as they age) but the flip side is that at near freezing temps the car never gets really hot enough. There were patches of fog, which of course make things even colder, and the sun came up (finally!) as we went through Lynden… but it did not offer much in the way of warmth.

We were the second car to arrive at the start point (a gas station just south of the border).

two cold guys in a (not)hot car

Chris & I were well bundled and Chris had even the GTTSR blanket wrapped around his legs. When we arrived I let the car sit and idle and sure enough the engine temp finally rose into the “normal” range of 50°-70°C.

The turnout was shockingly small for two Jaguar clubs: A Mk2, a 420G, a S2 E-type FHC, and an MG B(!).

Plus my S1 E-type OTS. Four Jags and an MG. We motored south. The route was simple, SR9 to SR20, follow SR 20 to the Keystone Ferry on Whidbey Island. I didn’t even need Christopher to Navigate. I know these roads like the back of my hand. If I had been making the route I could have covered the same distance on some nice back roads. Oh well.

We drove along through the fall colors with the other Jaguars.

fall colors

Chris & I made a couple of stops, but never failed to catch the rest of the pack who were ambling along at a sedate pace. The sun was finally adding a little warmth to the air and the fog had mostly lifted, so ambient temps were a tad warmer and even with my overly efficient radiator the car never got too cold, with engine temps hanging around or just under fifty degrees Celsius.

I saw an MG B going the other way over the Deception Pass Bridge and waved, was that you Roger?

When we arrived at the Ferry terminal on Whidbey Island the middle of the Island and that section of Puget Sound were completely shrouded in THICK fog.

foggy jags

We sat for an hour or so, waiting for the noon Ferry to Port Townsend, but it never came. The Ferry staff came driving up the road on a tractor informing everyone that the ferries were not running due to the fog. All of us had a quick meeting and the majority of the group, who had rooms booked at the destination hotel, decided to run south to the Clinton/Mukilteo Ferry, then down to the Edmonds/Kingston Ferry and drive north to Port Hadlock. The 420G and myself decided to bail out. The 420G back to Vancouver, and I back to Arlington. Chris & I stopped in Anacortes for lunch.

Lynn G Visits

Emmy the E-type

This past weekend we were paid a quick visit by Lynn G & his wife Jan, all the way from Boise, Idaho. I’ve “known” Lynn for many years via the Jag-Lovers E-type mailing list. We’ve both been through some engine troubles together, and misery does love company.

They were over in the San Juan islands for a wedding and stopped by our house on their way home. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t cooperative or I’d have been out in the 65E.

Above is their lovely ’68 OTS. The BRG paint is very nice.

Here is a pic of the two of them:

and just Lynn:


It was a pleasure to finally meet them face-to-face. Thanks for stopping by! I’ll have to plan a trip through Boise soon to return the favor.

A bit of history…


The above is a photo I’ve retouched a bit to try and get it closer to the original. It is a scan, of a photo, of a photo. The original photo had been subjected to light, wear, and something like coffee spilled on it. You can see the original file I started with here.

This photo was taken at Wilmont Hills Road Course in 1963 (the year I was born… not far from where the photo was shot!) and the two cars in the foreground are the two Jaguar XKSS cars I recently saw at the Going To The Sun Rally. The (gasp) Opalescent Silver Blue one in the foreground is XKSS#16, the very car I rode in thanks to the generosity of Phillipe & Francoise Reyns. The maroon one in the background is XKSS#15, now owned by the Nells. Francoise Reyns sent me the scan, which I cleaned up in Photoshop this evening. I figured I would share.